A more sustainable world,
a fairer future

Becoming a GreenVestor means having the opportunity to make a difference in overcoming climate change and supporting the energy transition, while doing good for your present and future.
Participate now

Why we do it

Climate Change exists
It depends on our choices
It is a verified phenomenon
Consequences are serious
We can fix it

We are potentially facing the sixth mass extinction, we know it and we are causing it with our activity.

What is climate change?

According to the United Nations, climate change means any alteration in the global atmosphere that is directly or indirectly attributable to human action.

How is the atmosphere altered? From the presence of greenhouse gases which, once in the atmosphere, retain part of the infrared radiation from the sun, which would otherwise be reflected and sent back into space. The higher the concentration of these gases, the more heat is retained, thus causing global warming and numerous chain effects, risky for the entire earth’s ecosystem and therefore for people.

What are the main causes?

The most polluting sectors are: the energy sector (fossil fuels), heating, cooling of buildings, means of transport, industrial production and agriculture.

How did we decide to act?

The reduction of emissions is the main objective, which is why we have chosen to help companies, citizens and institutions to facilitate these transition processes.

Finance is a key player in this process. For this reason we have chosen alternative finance as an instrument because we want to give everyone the opportunity to participate in this revolution and because reducing investments in oil and the big fossil fuel players today becomes a great priority in order not to overcome the global warming of +2°C of temperature.


Yields from 6% to 10% yearly
Zero management costs
Diversify your portfolio
Minimum investment €100
Additional bonuses (promo and GreenPremio)

* Up to now, all installments have been repaid in a timely manner but remember that an investment always involves risk.

Security, transparency, sustainability

100% Green projects
Each project must bring an environmental benefit in order to be admitted to the platform.
Projects and proponents go through a thorough screening that includes the ESG matrix and gives a qualitative rating, indicating the level of risk of the investment.
Full Documentation
You have access to documentation related to the companies and each project, allowing you to understand every detail
Always present
You can count on us at any time via chat, email or by calling our EnerLine.
Interactive Dashboard
You can control your investments and environmental impacts generated easily by app or platform.
Secure transactions
We are authorized to operate as Agent of the Lemonway Payment Institute, in accordance with the provisions in Resolution no. 586/2016 of the Bank of Italy.

We have chosen to be Green

For us, sustainability always comes first. Our main goal is to contribute to reducing the impact of human actions on the planet. For this reason, we have launched a series of activities to offset our impact and give more value to the sustainable choices of our investors: