Ener2Crowd puts you in contact with a community of investors who can lend you the money to develop your green project.
Propose a project

Who is it for?

Ener2crowd welcomes all types of projects that generate significant environmental and social benefits. Crowdfunding is not only an alternative financing tool but also a means of bringing people and communities together, who will benefit from the positive impacts generated by the proposed projects.

Why choose us

Tailored financing

We can propose different financing solutions according to the type of project you want to propose to the public and to the required capital.

Create a Community

By proposing a project on our platform, you create a community of people interested in your project with whom you can directly get in touch.

Fast Financing

Crowdfunding is one of the most innovative and fastest methods of collective financing, which guarantees quick access to capital without additional management or intermediation costs.

Elevate your brand

The platform, through its subscribers, promotes the brand of your company, your business or individual project, through targeted communication campaigns, both online and offline.

100% sustainability

Thanks to crowdfunding you can finance the progress of your company by reducing energy costs and emissions.

Tax relief

By operating in the energy field, the proposed projects will be able to access the tax benefits and subsidies provided according to the type of intervention.